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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 43

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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 43

1 Thank you.
2 What is it, Gary?
3 It’s a lot for you. George.
4 Who is it from?
5 That’s strange. It’s an invitation! Look: Hugo Peters invites you to a Christmas party.
6 Who’s Hugo Peters?
7 Don’t you remember: we met him at Berner’s?
8 And then you went home to the hotel and that big guy attacked you, right?
9 Yeah, the bastard!
10 Why has this Peters guy invited you to his party, then? Is it a mistake?
11 I don’t know, but why don’t we go anyway?
12 Yeah, I’ve got something to say to him.
13 If that’s all, Klaus, I am going home now.
14 Ok, hey, would you like to come to a party tonight?
15 Whose party is it?
16 His name is Hugo Peters. I met him when I worked in Sweden.
17 Hugo Peters, eh?
18 Why, do you know him?
19 I know his name. Yes, I’d love to come.
20 My God! I hope Susan isn’t there.
21 Who is she?
22 Oh, she’s—that is, she was---a friend of mine.
23 So what about Hugo’s party? Are we going to go to it?
24 He hasn’t invited me.
25 That doesn’t matter, Hary! You know him, don’t you?
26 Yes, I know him quite well.
27 Well let’s go then, it’ll be fun.
28 Yes, it’ll be very interesting.
29 Hello? Jack Cooper, here.
30 Copper? This is Peter Moran. Listen, there’s a party at Hugo Peters’, tonight. Be there at 9:00, OK? If there is any trouble you can help, understand?
31 Yes, sir. I’ll be t here.
32 Thank you, Copper.
33 Listen everybody, my father’s giving a party tonight. Would you like to come?
34 Yes! Yes, please! Yes! Great! Sure!
35 Why don’t you ask Mary to come along too, Aiko?
36 Thank you, David! I will!
37 Who is Mary, David? Is she another girlfriend of yours?
38 No, Juanita, really! In fact, she’s Marco’s girlfriend!
39 Is that true, Marco?
40 Oh, er… well, er… I …
41 If you dance with another girl, David. I’ll kill you.
42 So who have you invited to the party, Daddy?
43 I don’t know actually. My secretary sent the invitations. I’ve been very busy, you know.
44 What? So you don’t know who’s coming?
45 Well, I expect David will invite his students, and Helen and Alice will probably be here, and you know the usual people.
46 Well, I hope Martin doesn’t come at least.
47 Hello, Martin!
48 Hello, Hugo! Hello, Annie! Merry Christmas!
49 Hello, Dad! You know everybody, don’t you?
50 Yes, of course, you’re very welcome. Please come here!
51 Hello, Annie!
52 Who’s that girl, David?
53 Juanita, please! She’s my sister!
54 Good evening, Mr. Peters. Can I come in, please?
55 What are you doing here? You can’t just come in like this! I’m giving a party—look!
56 That’s why I’m here. Don’t worry, I’m not going to arrest you… this time. I’ve come here with my friend Mrs. Temple!
57 Merry Christmas, Hugo! You know Harry Carter, don’t you?
58 Let me take your coat, Susan.
59 My God, it’s Kristi!
60 My God, it’s Susan!
61 What are you doing here, you foul bitch? You said you were my friend and you took my husband away from me.
62 Now wait a moment, Susan! Roger came to me because he wanted to!
63 And what about you? Don’t you know how to say no? Of course not, you will just go wish any man who wants you.
64 Well, at least there are plenty of men who do want me!
65 You cow!
66 You bitch!
67 What’s going on over there?
68 Don’t ask me, Annie. I’ve got no idea!
69 It’s a nice party, isn’t it?
70 I’ll get it.
71 My God, who are you?
72 Oh, no. It’s George Lober!
73 I’m sorry, it’s just a stupid mistake, Mr. Lober.
74 There he is, Gary! That great big ugly guy over there!
75 I’ll see to him!
76 Take that, you bum!
77 Stop that immediately! I’m a police officer. Stop that immediately!






重点单词   查看全部解释    
cow [kau]


n. 母牛,母兽
vt. 恐吓

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

bastard ['bæstəd]


adj. 私生的,错误的,混蛋的 n. 私生子,混蛋

invitation [.invi'teiʃən]


n. 邀请,招待,邀请函,引诱,招致

arrest [ə'rest]


vt. 逮捕,拘留
n. 逮捕,拘留


关键字: 高中语法 日语新闻




