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商务英语基础教程1(MP3+字幕) 第15课:Different Communication Styles已上传0个录音

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Lesson 15 Dialogue Be Open-Minded and Embrace Cultural Differences
Sean, did you hear what happened to Sarah? No, what happened? Her boss asked her to move to the Tech Support Team. Since then, she's so bummed out. Why is she bummed out? Think about it! Why would your boss want to transfer you to another division unless you're a pain in his neck? Sarah always thought her boss played favorites and that she was always chosen for the great tasks. Are you serious? I think it's all a misunderstanding. Isn't her boss from the States? Yes, I think he's from Seattle. Her boss wants to give her a great opportunity to widen her horizons by experiencing something different. He wouldn't have suggested that if he hadn't had faith in her.