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Severity: Warning

Message: Memcache::connect(): Can't connect to, Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

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  • [精美英文欣赏] 精美英文欣赏:I’ll Try我要试试

    美文欣赏I'll try——C.G RossettiThe little boy who says "I’ll try"Will climb to the hill-top.The little boy who says "I can’t".Will at the bottom stop.'I'll try" does great..

    2009-05-27 编辑:sunny

  • [精美英文欣赏] 精美英文欣赏:Bed in Summer夏之眠

    美文阅读Bed in Summer——Robert Louis StevensonIn winter I get up at nightAnd dress by yellow candle-lightIn summer, quite the other way,I have to go to bed by day.I have to go to bed and seeThe bir

    2009-06-03 编辑:sunny

  • [精美英文欣赏] 精美英文欣赏:Do You Fear the Wi

    美文欣赏Do you fear the force of the wind?——Hamilton GarlandDo you fear the force of the wind?Do you fear the slash of the rain?Go face them and fight them.Be savage again.Go hungry and cold like

    2009-06-15 编辑:sunny

  • [精美英文欣赏] 精美英文欣赏:The Wholeness of Life完美

    美文欣赏编者按:人生的完整性在于知道如何面对缺陷,如何勇敢地摒弃不现实的幻想而又不以此为缺憾。Once a circle missed a wedge. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing p

    2009-07-09 编辑:sunny

  • [听美文学英语] 听美文学英语 第73期:王牌特工 Kingsman - Colin Firth

    扮演这位绅士特工的,就是金球奖,奥斯卡影帝-Colin Firth,他的代表作有《单身男子》《国王的演讲》《傲慢与偏见》《戴珍珠耳环的少女》等等;现在,这位英国绅士带着新作《Kingsman: The Secret Service王牌特工:特工学院》来到中国,54岁的Colin Firth在银幕之下依然尽显优雅。

    2015-03-30 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听美文学英语 第71期:模仿游戏 The Imitation Game

    Usually though, I would get tired and overwhelmed by the party atmosphere. There was, however, my oasis to retreat to. Just off Canal Street, and bordered by a University of Manchester building

    2015-03-12 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听美文学英语 第73期:目的地未明

    As I was sitting on a bench at the bus station, trying to figure out where I was going to go, I overheard a man ask the clerk for a ticket to nowhere.

    2015-03-19 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听美文学英语 第70期:《兰亭集序》Orchid Pavilion Gathering

    是日也,天朗气清,惠风和畅。 仰观宇宙之大,俯察品类之盛。所以游目骋怀,足以极视听之娱,信可乐也。夫(fú)人之相与,俯仰一世。或取诸怀抱,悟言一室之内;或因寄所托,放浪形骸之外。虽趣(qǔ)舍万殊,静躁不同,当其欣于所遇,暂得于己,快然自足,不知老之将至;

    2015-03-06 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听美文学英语 第69期:爱的礼物

    Real beauty lies not in the physical appearance,but in the heart. 真正的美不在于外表,而在于内心。 Real love lies not in what is done and known,but in what that is done but not known. 真正的爱不在于人人都知道的给予,而在于不为人知的付出。

    2015-02-27 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听美文学英语 第68期:水仙花法则


    2015-02-14 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听美文学英语 第67期:当幸福来敲门 The Pursuit of Happiness

    "Okay, Poppa," says Christopher, repeating the word, "Happiness". "That's a big word," I say with approval, wishing that I could ensure Chris's and my own happiness ..

    2015-02-11 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听双语美文学英语 第66期:Never Say Goodbye 永不说再见

    If I could find the words, I would speak them, 如果我可以找到这些话,我一定要把它们说出来, Then I wouldn't be tongue-tied, 这样我的舌头就不会打结, When I looked into your eyes, 当我注视着你的眼睛, We would never say goodbye. 我们永不会说再见。

    2015-02-09 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听双语美文学英语 第65期:幸福的悖论

    What is the definition of "happiness"? Is it material wealth filled with fancy cars, a dream house, extravagant furs and jewelry? Or is happiness simply having a roof over your head? Food in..

    2015-02-05 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听双语美文学英语 第64期:魔戒 The Lord of the Rings

    The Ring came to the creature Gollum who took it deep into the tunnels of the Misty Mountains. 至尊魔戒落入咕鲁手中,他把它带到迷雾山脉的洞穴中,And there it consumed him. 他的身心完全被魔戒占据,It came to me. 它落到我手中,My own. My love...

    2015-01-29 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听双语美文学英语 第63期:霍比特人 The Hobbit


    2015-01-22 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听双语美文学英语 第62期:美女与野兽

    《美女与野兽》(法语:La Belle et la Bête 英语:Beauty and the Beast)是1740年首度发表的著名法国童话。 下面'就让Holly带你再次重温这个动人的童话故事Beauty and the Beast的片段。希望带着耳机的你'能放下前进追赶的脚步'和Holly一起'步入这个wonder world。

    2015-01-19 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听双语美文学英语 第15期:尼克松访华祝酒词(经典)

    中国人民以这种盛情款待而闻名世界。我不仅要特别赞扬那些准备了这次盛大晚宴的人,而且还要赞扬那些给我们演奏这样美好的音乐的人。我在外国从来没有听到过演奏得这么好的美国音乐。 总理先生,我要感谢您好作的如此盛情和意味深长的讲话。此时此刻,通过电讯的奇迹,在 观看、在聆听我们的讲话的人数是空前的。

    2014-11-10 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听双语美文学英语 第14期:离天最近的声音 The Sound of Tibet


    2014-11-07 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听双语美文学英语 第13期:筷子哲学 Chopstick


    2014-11-06 编辑:liekkas

  • [听美文学英语] 听双语美文学英语 第12期:珍惜当下《今 The Living Present》


    2014-11-05 编辑:liekkas