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  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第40期:地球同步卫星(2)

    A Stationary Satellite, part 2地球同步卫星(二)A geostationary satellite orbitsthe planet at the same rate as the planet rotates, so the satellite is always over the same patch of ground.同步卫星以行

    2012-07-27 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第42期:对扶手说再见

    Farewell to Arms对扶手说再见Good afternoon, this is your captain speaking. We are at cruising altitude and will be in flight for another three hours, so you’d better get comfortable.下午好,我是这架

    2012-08-01 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第42期:失去知觉之后

    Out for the Count失去知觉之后If you've ever had major surgery, you probably remember lying down and waking up—but nothing in between. Thanks to the anesthesiologist, during the actual surger

    2012-08-02 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第43期:鱼的招亲广告

    Fish ad鱼的招亲广告Today we're looking at fish single's ads, let's see—single fish female seeks good father to help with eggs. Come on, don't be serious. Fish don&

    2012-08-07 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第45期:走路的奥妙

    Walking and Sloshing 边走边溅You're at a party. Somebody hands you a glass. Hey, come on over here! Somebody else shouts. You take a step and the next thing you know you are wearing that tast

    2012-08-09 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第44期:科学英雄之儒勒•凡尔纳

    Science Hero: Jules Verne科学英雄:儒勒•凡尔纳儒勒•凡尔纳(Jules Verne,1828年2月8日-1905年3月24日),法国小说家、博物学家,现代科幻小说的重要开创者之一。他一生写了六十多部大大小小的科幻

    2012-08-08 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第46期:斑马能驯化吗?

    Zebra斑马After all, domesticating zebras is nothing new. It's not? No. In fact, people have been trying to domesticate zebras for about a hundred years. So the zebra market has already been c

    2012-08-10 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第47期:Sublimation ​升华现象

    Sublimation升华现象Sublimation on this moment of science.今天我们的节目要讲的是:升华现象。Pop quiz, everybody put away your books, and keep your eyes on your own radio.各位,请放下你们手中的书本,专

    2012-08-13 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第48期:昆虫也有舌头吗?

    Ya雔: Somebody bought my daughter a game called

    2012-08-14 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第49期:山脉为什么停止上升了

    Why Mountains Stop Growing山脉为什么停止上升了If you live up in the mountains, understanding the continually shifting landscape can mean survival.如果你居住在山上,了解持续不断移动的风景就意味着生存。

    2012-08-15 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第50期:跷跷板的乐趣

    Big Kid, Little Kid大孩子,小孩子Remember seesaws? Those things were great. But there was often a problem.还记得跷跷板吗?它可是伟大的发明,但仍然存在一个问题。Suppose there's a big kid on on

    2012-08-16 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第51期:不能不说的秘密

    生病了就要吃药有木有?吃药前要看说明书有木有?有的人记不住有木有?我们的Don就因为自己的不仔细栽了个大跟头了!今天我们一起来谈谈关于吃药的不能不说的秘密…… Black Tongues and Stomach Aches黑舌头与胃痛

    2012-08-17 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第52期:蚂蚁的阴谋

    AntIntrigue蚂蚁的阴谋Don: Hey,ants’lives are full of intrigue. Take slave-making ants. They invade other ants’ nests, kill some of the adults, and then steal the larvae and take them back to their

    2012-08-20 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第53期:熔岩中的生命足迹

    Life Traces in Lava熔岩中的生命足迹Don: Can I ask you something, Ya雔?Y 我能问你一个事情吗?Ya雔: Sure!当然!D: Do you ever stop to think about how all living things are ultimately related?

    2012-08-21 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第54期:"懒惰"的年轻人

    Kids These Days!现在的孩子们!M: Kids these days! They have no respect; they don't know the value of dollar;they can't pay attention to anything for long.现在的小孩子们不懂得尊重(别人

    2012-08-22 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第55期:那片珊瑚HOLD不住了

    Coral in Danger危险的珊瑚Aah, snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef–blue, clear water, magnificent coral, beautiful fish.假想潜水于大堡礁——那片蔚蓝清澈的海里,美丽的鱼儿游曳在一望无际的珊瑚里。How

    2012-08-23 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第56期:鸟儿如何睡觉?

    How do birds sleep?鸟儿如何睡觉?How do birds hang onto trees when they're asleep? Why don't they fall off?鸟儿睡觉时是如何挂在树上的呢?它们为什么掉不下来?That's easy. It&am

    2012-08-24 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第57期:教育孩子影响大脑

    How Parenting Affects the Brain教育孩子影响大脑If you're one of those parents that constantly worries about their kids, you're not alone.你是否和很多家长一样,经常为孩子担心?In fact,

    2012-08-27 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第59期:像雾一样的固体物质

    正文部分Frozen Smoke固体烟Male:What's as light as smoke but strong as a brick?什么东西既可以跟烟一样轻,又可以跟砖块一样重?Female:I'm gonna take a while guess and say... aerogel?让我

    2012-08-29 编辑:rainbow

  • [听力文摘] 听力文摘第58期:呼叫达尔文


    2012-08-28 编辑:rainbow