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  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:巴西字符 不朽的经济学家(1)

    Brazilians who remember the hyper inflationary 1980s cheered the news on April 7th that prices rose by just 4.57% in the year to March.在4月7日,仍记着80年代恶性通货膨胀的巴西人民,为今年3月物价只上涨了4.57%的新闻而欢呼。

    2017-08-16 编辑:clover

  • [经济学人综合] 经济学人:巴西字符 不朽的经济学家(2)

    Brazilians who remember the hyper inflationary 1980s cheered the news on April 7th that prices rose by just 4.57% in the year to March.在4月7日,仍记着80年代恶性通货膨胀的巴西人民,为今年3月物价只上涨了4.57%的新闻而欢呼。

    2017-08-17 编辑:clover