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经典科幻文学:《 再见 多谢你们的鱼》第14章

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Ring ring.铃铃铃......
Ring ring.铃铃铃......
Ring ring.铃铃铃......
Hello, yes? Yes, that’s right. Yes. You’ll ‘ave to speak up, there’s an awful lot of noise in ‘ere. What?“您好?是的,没错。是的。您得大点声,这儿吵得要命。什么?
No, I only do the bar in the evenings. It’s Yvonne who does lunch, and Jim, he’s the landlord. No, I wasn’t on. What?“不,我在酒吧只值晚班。伊冯是在午饭时间当班,还有吉姆,他是房东。不,我还没当班。啥?
You’ll have to speak up.“您得大点声。
What? No, don’t know anything about no raffle. What?“啥?不,根本就不知道彩票的事儿。什么?
No, don’t know nothing about it. ‘Old on, I’ll call Jim.“不,根本就不知道。等等别挂,我去叫吉姆。”
The barmaid put her hand over the receiver and called over the noisy bar.那个吧台女招待把手捂在听筒上然后在喧闹的吧台喊道:
‘Ere, Jim, bloke on the phone says something about he’s won a raffle. He keeps on saying it’s ticket 37 and he’s won.“呃,吉姆,有个电话里的家伙说他赢了个什么彩票。他不停地说是37号彩票,是他赢的。”
No, there was a guy in the pub here won, shouted back the barman.“不,是这儿酒馆的一个小子赢的。”吧主吼道。
He says ‘ave we got the ticket.“他问我们有没有留着票。”
Well how can he think he’s won if he hasn’t even got a ticket?“好吧,他连票都没有怎么会认为自己赢了呢?”
Jim says ‘ow can you think you’ve won if you’ aven’t even got the ticket. What?“吉姆说你连票都没有怎么会认为自己赢了呢。啥?”
She put her hand over the receiver again.她再一次捂住了听筒。
Jim, ‘e keeps effing and blinding at me. Says there’s a number on the ticket.“吉姆,他一直在对我乱叫。说什么票上会有号码。”
Course there was a number on the ticket, it was a bloody raffle ticket wasn’t it?“那票上当然会有号码,那不就是张该死的彩票么?”
‘E says ‘e means its a telephone number on the ticket.“他说那张彩票上有个电话号码。”
Put the phone down and serve the bloody customers, will you?“把电话撂下然后开始他妈的伺候顾客,成吗?”
Ring ring.
Ring ring.
Ring ring.
Hello, yes? Yes, that’s right. Yes. You’ll ‘ave to speak up, there’s an awful lot of noise in ‘ere. What?
No, I only do the bar in the evenings. It’s Yvonne who does lunch, and Jim, he’s the landlord. No, I wasn’t on. What?
You’ll have to speak up.
What? No, don’t know anything about no raffle. What?
No, don’t know nothing about it. ‘Old on, I’ll call Jim.
The barmaid put her hand over the receiver and called over the noisy bar.
‘Ere, Jim, bloke on the phone says something about he’s won a raffle. He keeps on saying it’s ticket 37 and he’s won.
No, there was a guy in the pub here won, shouted back the barman.
He says ‘ave we got the ticket.
Well how can he think he’s won if he hasn’t even got a ticket?
Jim says ‘ow can you think you’ve won if you’ aven’t even got the ticket. What?
She put her hand over the receiver again.
Jim, ‘e keeps effing and blinding at me. Says there’s a number on the ticket.
Course there was a number on the ticket, it was a bloody raffle ticket wasn’t it?
‘E says ‘e means its a telephone number on the ticket.
Put the phone down and serve the bloody customers, will you?





