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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"That he wanted no gossip about his wealth. No single man should know what he had. I have no doubt that he has twenty banking accounts; the bulk of his fortune abroad in the Deutsche Bank or the Credit Lyonnais as likely as not. Sometime when you have a year or two to spare I commend to you the study of Professor Moriarty."“他不愿让人议论他的财富。谁也别想知道他到底有多少钱。我深信他开了足有二十个银行账户。他的大部分财产很可能存在国外德意志银行或者是利翁内信贷银行。以后当你能有一两年空闲时间的时候,我请你把莫里亚蒂教授好好研究一下。”
Inspector MacDonald had grown steadily more impressed as the conversation proceeded. He had lost himself in his interest. Now his practical Scotch intelligence brought him back with a snap to the matter in hand.这番谈话给麦克唐纳留下了很深的印象,他颇感兴趣地听得出了神。现在他那种讲究实际的苏格兰人性格又使他马上转回到当前的案子上来。
"He can keep, anyhow," said he. "You've got us side-tracked with your interesting anecdotes, Mr. Holmes. What really counts is your remark that there is some connection between the professor and the crime. That you get from the warning received through the man Porlock. Can we for our present practical needs get any further than that?"“不管怎样,他当然可以存在任何一家银行的,"麦克唐纳说,“你讲这些饶有兴味的轶闻旧史,引得我都离了题,福尔摩斯先生。真正重要的是你所说的:那位教授和这件罪案是有牵连的,就是你从波尔洛克那个人那里收到的警告信上所说的那点。我们能不能为了当前的实际需要再前进一步呢?”
"We may form some conception as to the motives of the crime. It is, as I gather from your original remarks, an inexplicable, or at least an unexplained, murder. Now, presuming that the source of the crime is as we suspect it to be, there might be two different motives. In the first place, I may tell you that Moriarty rules with a rod of iron over his people. His discipline is tremendous. There is only one punishment in his code. It is death. Now we might suppose that this murdered man--this Douglas whose approaching fate was known by one of the arch-criminal's subordinates--had in some way betrayed the chief. His punishment followed, and would be known to all--if only to put the fear of death into them."“我们不妨推测一下犯罪动机。我根据你原来所讲的情况来推测,这是一宗莫名片妙的、或者至少是一起难于解释的凶杀案。现在,假定犯罪的起因正象我们所怀疑的那样,可能有两种不同的动机。首先,我可以告诉你,莫里亚蒂用一种铁的手腕来统治他的党羽,他的纪律非常严。在他的法典里,只有一种惩戒形式,那就是处死。现在我们可以假定这个被害人道格拉斯以某种方式背叛过他的首领,而他那即将临头的厄运却被这个首领的某个部下知道了。继之而来的就是对他的惩戒,而且这个惩戒也就会被所有的人都知道——其目的不过是要使部下都感到死亡的恐怖。”
"Well, that is one suggestion, Mr. Holmes."“好!这是一种意见。福尔摩斯先生。”
"The other is that it has been engineered by Moriarty in the ordinary course of business. Was there any robbery?"“另一种看法就是惨案的发生是按照那种营生的常规做法由莫里亚蒂策划的了。那里遭到抢劫没有?”
"I have not heard."“这个我没有听说。”
"If so, it would, of course, be against the first hypothesis and in favour of the second. Moriarty may have been engaged to engineer it on a promise of part spoils, or he may have been paid so much down to manage it. Either is possible. But whichever it may be, or if it is some third combination, it is down at Birlstone that we must seek the solution. I know our man too well to suppose that he has left anything up here which may lead us to him."“当然,如果是这样,那么第一种假设可能就不符合实际,而第二种假设就较接近实际了。莫里亚蒂可能是在分得部分赃物的应许下参加策划的,不然就是别人给他很多钱叫他主持这一罪恶勾当。两种假设都有可能。可是,不管是第一种还是第二种可能,或者还有什么第三种综合性的可能,咱们也必须到伯尔斯通去找答案。我对咱们这个对象可太了解了,他决不会在这里留下任何能使咱们跟踪追击到他名下的线索。”
"Then to Birlstone we must go!" cried MacDonald, jumping from his chair. "My word! it's later than I thought. I can give you, gentlemen, five minutes for preparation, and that is all."“那么,咱们非得到伯尔斯通去不可了!"麦克唐纳从椅子上跳起来,大声说道,“哎呀!比我想的要晚多了。先生们,我只能给你们五分钟准备时间,就这样吧。”
"And ample for us both," said Holmes, as he sprang up and hastened to change from his dressing gown to his coat. "While we are on our way, Mr. Mac, I will ask you to be good enough to tell me all about it."“对我们俩来说,这就足够了。"福尔摩斯跳起来,急忙脱下睡衣,换上外套说道,“麦克先生,等我们上了路,请你把一切情况详细地告诉我。”
"All about it" proved to be disappointingly little, and yet there was enough to assure us that the case before us might well be worthy of the expert's closest attention. He brightened and rubbed his thin hands together as he listened to the meagre but remarkable details. A long series of sterile weeks lay behind us, and here at last there was a fitting object for those remarkable powers which, like all special gifts, become irksome to their owner when they are not in use. That razor brain blunted and rusted with inaction.“一切情况"少得令人失望,但是它却足以使我们确信,我们面临的案子是非常值得一位专家密切注意的。当福尔摩斯倾听那少得可怜但却值得注意的细节时,他面露喜色,不住搓弄两只瘦手。漫长而又百无聊赖的几个星期总算是过去了,眼下终于有了一个适合的案件来发挥那些非凡的才能了,这种非凡的才能,正象一切特殊的禀赋一样,当它毫无用武之地的时候,就变得使它们的主人感到厌倦。敏锐的头脑也会由于无所事事而变得迟钝生锈的。

"That he wanted no gossip about his wealth. No single man should know what he had. I have no doubt that he has twenty banking accounts; the bulk of his fortune abroad in the Deutsche Bank or the Credit Lyonnais as likely as not. Sometime when you have a year or two to spare I commend to you the study of Professor Moriarty."
Inspector MacDonald had grown steadily more impressed as the conversation proceeded. He had lost himself in his interest. Now his practical Scotch intelligence brought him back with a snap to the matter in hand.
"He can keep, anyhow," said he. "You've got us side-tracked with your interesting anecdotes, Mr. Holmes. What really counts is your remark that there is some connection between the professor and the crime. That you get from the warning received through the man Porlock. Can we for our present practical needs get any further than that?"
"We may form some conception as to the motives of the crime. It is, as I gather from your original remarks, an inexplicable, or at least an unexplained, murder. Now, presuming that the source of the crime is as we suspect it to be, there might be two different motives. In the first place, I may tell you that Moriarty rules with a rod of iron over his people. His discipline is tremendous. There is only one punishment in his code. It is death. Now we might suppose that this murdered man--this Douglas whose approaching fate was known by one of the arch-criminal's subordinates--had in some way betrayed the chief. His punishment followed, and would be known to all--if only to put the fear of death into them."
"Well, that is one suggestion, Mr. Holmes."
"The other is that it has been engineered by Moriarty in the ordinary course of business. Was there any robbery?"
"I have not heard."
"If so, it would, of course, be against the first hypothesis and in favour of the second. Moriarty may have been engaged to engineer it on a promise of part spoils, or he may have been paid so much down to manage it. Either is possible. But whichever it may be, or if it is some third combination, it is down at Birlstone that we must seek the solution. I know our man too well to suppose that he has left anything up here which may lead us to him."
"Then to Birlstone we must go!" cried MacDonald, jumping from his chair. "My word! it's later than I thought. I can give you, gentlemen, five minutes for preparation, and that is all."
"And ample for us both," said Holmes, as he sprang up and hastened to change from his dressing gown to his coat. "While we are on our way, Mr. Mac, I will ask you to be good enough to tell me all about it."
"All about it" proved to be disappointingly little, and yet there was enough to assure us that the case before us might well be worthy of the expert's closest attention. He brightened and rubbed his thin hands together as he listened to the meagre but remarkable details. A long series of sterile weeks lay behind us, and here at last there was a fitting object for those remarkable powers which, like all special gifts, become irksome to their owner when they are not in use. That razor brain blunted and rusted with inaction.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
gossip ['gɔsip]


n. 流言蜚语,闲话,爱说长道短的人

remarkable [ri'mɑ:kəbl]


adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的

scotch [skɔtʃ]


n. 伤口,刻痕 v. 粉碎,消灭,阻止 v. 弄伤,刻

hypothesis [hai'pɔθisis]


n. 假设,猜测,前提

source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

credit ['kredit]


n. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

sterile ['sterail]


adj. 贫瘠的,无生气的,无生育能力的,无结果的,无菌

conception [kən'sepʃən]


n. 概念,观念,构想,怀孕





