Harry Styles tired of Taylor Swift's rather grown up obsession with antiques, it's being reported.
While Styles, 18, is desperate to enjoy the party scene; Swift, 23, is a budding homemaker and is apparently keen to chat about her antique collection.
Styles even bought her antique jewellery during their brief courtship but according to a report in Radar Online, soon became tired with her mature hobby.
斯泰尔斯在他俩短暂的恋爱期间甚至还买了古董珠宝送给她,但是据Radar Online报道,斯泰尔斯很快就厌倦了她那种年长者才有的爱好。
Swift quickly sought comfort in her music following her break-up with the One Direction star and was spotted going to a recording studio on Thursday.
斯威夫特在和这位One Direction乐队明星分手后迅速跑回录音室寻求音乐上的安慰。
Swift got in some much-needed consolation from her family.
After spending Christmas apart the pair reunited in New York City for New Year's Eve, before jetting off to the British Virgin Islands on New Year's Day to spend some time together.
But things did not go to plan and Swift ended the holiday early, flying back to the U.S. on her own after just three days on vacation on January 4.
Meanwhile, Styles stayed on alone and lived it up, partying with fellow guests, and even fitting in a visit to Richard Branson, who owns a neighbouring private island.
Neither Harry nor Taylor have commented on reports of their split.