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导语: “ 清明上河图”是一幅描绘北宋首都汴京的城市风光长卷,根据统计,画中总共有各色人物1659个,动物209只,比四大名著中任何一部所描画的人物都要多。 如果我们要像外国游客介绍中国馆的这个镇馆之宝,应2010-05-11 编辑:vicki 标签:
The Lady’s Slipper orchid is at the centre of a major security operation as cuttings can change hands for up to £5,000 among collectors。 玉女拖鞋兰因为它具有拖鞋样式的唇瓣,被人们亲切地称为2010-05-12 编辑:vicki 标签:
Tracey and Viv Williams, a British couple, dressed as the green cartoon ogres from Shrek at their wedding held recently. Tracy, 33, made a lovely Princess Fiona by daubing herself in green body paint2010-05-17 编辑:francie 标签:
3D版花花公子 立体美女成噱头(图)
[NextPage]2010-05-18 编辑:francie 标签:
工作导致单身 U.S. government data reveals that up to 44% of the U.S. workforceis single -- and it may be because of work. Here are four reasons why your job might be keeping you single and what to d2010-05-19 编辑:francie 标签: