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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

“Good-bye, Gerineldo, my son,?she shouted. “Say hello to my people and tell them I’ll see them when it stops raining.?

Aureliano Segundo helped her back to bed and with the same informality with which he always treated her, he asked her the meaning of her farewell.奥雷连诺第二把为祖母扶回床上,用往常那种不礼貌的态度问她这些话是什么意思。
“It’s true,?she said. “I’m only waiting for the rain to stop in order to die.?“那是真的,”乌苏娜回答。“雨一停,我就要去了。”
The condition of the streets alarmed Aureliano Segundo. He finally became worried about the state of his animals and he threw an oilcloth over his head and sent to Petra Cotes’s house. He found her in the courtyard, in the water up to her waist, trying to float the corpse of a horse. Aureliano Segundo helped her with a lever, and the enormous swollen body gave a turn like a bell and was dragged away by the torrent of liquid mud. Since the rain began, all that Petra Cotes had done was to clear her courtyard of dead animals. During the first weeks she sent messages to Aureliano Segundo for him to take urgent measures and he had answered that there was no rush, that the situation was not alarming, that there would be plenty of time to think about something when it cleared. She sent him word that the horse pastures were being flooded, that the cattle were fleeing to high ground, where there was nothing to eat and where they were at the mercy of jaguars and sickness. “There’s nothing to be done,?Aureliano Segundo answered her. “Others will be born when it clears.?Petra Cates had seen them die in dusters and the was able to butcher only those stuck in the mud. She saw with quiet impotence how the deluge was pitilessly exterminating a fortune that at one time was considered the largest and most solid in Macondo, and of which nothing remained but pestilence. When Aureliano Segundo decided to go see what was going on, he found only the corpse of the horse and a squalid mule in the ruins of the stable. Petra Cotes watched him arrive without surprise, joy, or resentment, and she only allowed herself an ironic smile.淹没街道的泥流引起了奥雷连诺第二的不安。他终于担心起自己的牲畜,把一块油布披在头上,就到佩特娜·柯特家里去了。佩特娜。 柯特站在院里齐腰深的水中,正在推动一匹死马。奥雷连诺第二拿着一根木棍帮助她。胀鼓鼓的巨大尸体象钟摆一样晃晃荡荡,立亥就被泥流卷走了。大雨刚一开始,佩特娜。柯特就在清除院子里死了的牲畜。最初几个星期,她曾捎信给奥雷连诺第二,要他迅速采取什么措施,可他回答说,不必着急,情况并不那么坏,雨一停,他就想办法。佩特娜·柯特又请人告诉他,牧场给淹没了,牲口都跑到山里去了,它们在那儿没有吃的,还会被豹于吃掉,或者病死。“甭担心,”奥雷连诺第二回答她。“只要雨停,其他的牲畜又会生下来了。”在佩特娜。柯特眼前,牲畜成群死去,她好不容易才把陷在泥淖里的剁成了块。她束手无策地望着洪水无情地消灭了她的财产——以前被认为是马孔多最可靠的财产,现在剩下的只是臭气了。当奥雷连诺第二终于决定去看看那里的情况时,他在畜栏的废墟里仅仅发现了一匹死马和一匹衰竭的骡子。佩特娜·柯特见他来了,既没表示惊讶,也没表示高兴或怨恨,,光是讥笑了一声。
“It’s about time!?she said.“欢迎光临!”佩特娜·柯特说。
“That’s not true,?Aureliano Segundo interrupted her. “He was already beginning to smell when they brought him here.?“这说得不准确,”奥雷连诺第二打断她。“人家把你父亲送到这儿的时候,他已经臭得相当厉害了。”
He had the patience to listen to her for a whole day until he caught her in a slip. Fernanda did not pay him any mind, but she lowered her voice. That night at dinner the exasperating buzzing of the singsong had conquered the sound of the rain. Aureliano, Segundo ate very little, with his head down, and he went to his room early. At breakfast on the following day Fernanda was trembling, with a look of not having slept well, and she seemed completely exhausted by her rancor. Nevertheless, when her husband asked if it was not possible to have a soft-boiled egg, she did not answer simply that they had run out of eggs the week before, but she worked up a violent diatribe against men who spent their time contemplating their navels and then had the gall to ask for larks?livers at the table. Aureliano Segundo took the children to look at the encyclopedia, as always, and Fernanda pretended to straighten out Meme’s room just so that he could listen to her muttering, of course, that it certainly took cheek for him totell the poor innocents that there was a picture of Colonel Aureliano Buendía in the encyclopedia. During the afternoon, while the children were having their nap, Aureliano Segundo sat on the porch and Fernanda pursued him even there, provoking him, tormenting him, hovering about him with her implacable horsefly buzzing, saying that, of course, while there was nothing to eat except stones, her husband was sitting there like a sultan of Persia, watching it rain, because that was all he was, a slob, a sponge, a good-for-nothing, softer than cotton batting, used to living off women and convinced that he had married Jonah’s wife, who was so content with the story of the whale. Aureliano Segundo listened to her for more than two hours, impassive, as if he were deaf. He did not interrupt her until late in the afternoon, when he could no longer bear the echo of the bass drum that was tormenting his head.他耐着性子听了整整一天,最后才揭穿菲兰达说得不准。菲兰达什么也没回答,只是降低了嗓门。这天吃晚饭的时候,她那恼怒的聒噪声把雨声都给压住了。奥雷连诺第二耷拉着脑袋,坐在桌边,吃得很少,很早就到自己的卧室里去了。第二天早餐时,菲兰达浑身发抖,显然过了一个不眠之夜,她反复回忆过去受到的委屈,似乎已经精疲力尽。然而,奥雷连诺第二问她能不能给他一个煮熟的鸡蛋时,她不只是说前一个星期就没有鸡蛋了,而且尖酸刻薄地指摘一帮男人,说他们只会把时间用来欣赏自己肮脏的肚脐眼,然后恬不知耻地要求别人把百灵鸟的心肝给他们送上桌子。奥雷连诺第二照旧和孩子们一起浏览百科全书里的图画,可是菲兰达假装拾掇梅梅的卧室,其实她只想让他听见她唠叨,自然罗,只有失去了最后一点羞耻心的人才会告诉天真无邪的孩子,仿佛百科全书里有奥雷连诺上校的画像。白天午休时刻,孩子们睡觉的时候,奥雷连诺第二坐在长廊上,可是菲兰达又在那儿找到了他,刺激他,揶揄他,在他周围转来转去,象牛虻一样不停地轰轰嗡嗡,说了又说,家里除了石头什么吃的都没有了,而她漂亮的丈夫却象波斯苏丹那么坐着,盯着下雨,因为他是个懒汉、食客、废物、孱头,靠女人过活已经习惯了,以为他讨了约拿②的老婆,那②见《圣经》。“约拿的老婆”意即不祥的人,带来坏运气的人。个女人只要听听鲸鱼的故事就满足了。奥雷连诺第二听菲兰达罗唆了两个多小时,无动于衷,象个聋子。他一直没有打断她的絮聒,直到傍晚才失去了耐心。
“Please shut up,?he begged.她的话象鼓声似地震动着他的脑筋。

“Good-bye, Gerineldo, my son,?she shouted. “Say hello to my people and tell them I’ll see them when it stops raining.?
Aureliano Segundo helped her back to bed and with the same informality with which he always treated her, he asked her the meaning of her farewell.
“It’s true,?she said. “I’m only waiting for the rain to stop in order to die.?
The condition of the streets alarmed Aureliano Segundo. He finally became worried about the state of his animals and he threw an oilcloth over his head and sent to Petra Cotes’s house. He found her in the courtyard, in the water up to her waist, trying to float the corpse of a horse. Aureliano Segundo helped her with a lever, and the enormous swollen body gave a turn like a bell and was dragged away by the torrent of liquid mud. Since the rain began, all that Petra Cotes had done was to clear her courtyard of dead animals. During the first weeks she sent messages to Aureliano Segundo for him to take urgent measures and he had answered that there was no rush, that the situation was not alarming, that there would be plenty of time to think about something when it cleared. She sent him word that the horse pastures were being flooded, that the cattle were fleeing to high ground, where there was nothing to eat and where they were at the mercy of jaguars and sickness. “There’s nothing to be done,?Aureliano Segundo answered her. “Others will be born when it clears.?Petra Cates had seen them die in dusters and the was able to butcher only those stuck in the mud. She saw with quiet impotence how the deluge was pitilessly exterminating a fortune that at one time was considered the largest and most solid in Macondo, and of which nothing remained but pestilence. When Aureliano Segundo decided to go see what was going on, he found only the corpse of the horse and a squalid mule in the ruins of the stable. Petra Cotes watched him arrive without surprise, joy, or resentment, and she only allowed herself an ironic smile.
“It’s about time!?she said.
“That’s not true,?Aureliano Segundo interrupted her. “He was already beginning to smell when they brought him here.?
He had the patience to listen to her for a whole day until he caught her in a slip. Fernanda did not pay him any mind, but she lowered her voice. That night at dinner the exasperating buzzing of the singsong had conquered the sound of the rain. Aureliano, Segundo ate very little, with his head down, and he went to his room early. At breakfast on the following day Fernanda was trembling, with a look of not having slept well, and she seemed completely exhausted by her rancor. Nevertheless, when her husband asked if it was not possible to have a soft-boiled egg, she did not answer simply that they had run out of eggs the week before, but she worked up a violent diatribe against men who spent their time contemplating their navels and then had the gall to ask for larks?livers at the table. Aureliano Segundo took the children to look at the encyclopedia, as always, and Fernanda pretended to straighten out Meme’s room just so that he could listen to her muttering, of course, that it certainly took cheek for him totell the poor innocents that there was a picture of Colonel Aureliano Buendía in the encyclopedia. During the afternoon, while the children were having their nap, Aureliano Segundo sat on the porch and Fernanda pursued him even there, provoking him, tormenting him, hovering about him with her implacable horsefly buzzing, saying that, of course, while there was nothing to eat except stones, her husband was sitting there like a sultan of Persia, watching it rain, because that was all he was, a slob, a sponge, a good-for-nothing, softer than cotton batting, used to living off women and convinced that he had married Jonah’s wife, who was so content with the story of the whale. Aureliano Segundo listened to her for more than two hours, impassive, as if he were deaf. He did not interrupt her until late in the afternoon, when he could no longer bear the echo of the bass drum that was tormenting his head.
“Please shut up,?he begged.

淹没街道的泥流引起了奥雷连诺第二的不安。他终于担心起自己的牲畜,把一块油布披在头上,就到佩特娜·柯特家里去了。佩特娜。 柯特站在院里齐腰深的水中,正在推动一匹死马。奥雷连诺第二拿着一根木棍帮助她。胀鼓鼓的巨大尸体象钟摆一样晃晃荡荡,立亥就被泥流卷走了。大雨刚一开始,佩特娜。柯特就在清除院子里死了的牲畜。最初几个星期,她曾捎信给奥雷连诺第二,要他迅速采取什么措施,可他回答说,不必着急,情况并不那么坏,雨一停,他就想办法。佩特娜·柯特又请人告诉他,牧场给淹没了,牲口都跑到山里去了,它们在那儿没有吃的,还会被豹于吃掉,或者病死。“甭担心,”奥雷连诺第二回答她。“只要雨停,其他的牲畜又会生下来了。”在佩特娜。柯特眼前,牲畜成群死去,她好不容易才把陷在泥淖里的剁成了块。她束手无策地望着洪水无情地消灭了她的财产——以前被认为是马孔多最可靠的财产,现在剩下的只是臭气了。当奥雷连诺第二终于决定去看看那里的情况时,他在畜栏的废墟里仅仅发现了一匹死马和一匹衰竭的骡子。佩特娜·柯特见他来了,既没表示惊讶,也没表示高兴或怨恨,,光是讥笑了一声。
重点单词   查看全部解释    
torrent ['tɔrənt]


n. 激流,山洪
adj. 奔流的,汹涌的

squalid ['skwɔlid]


adj. 肮脏的,悲惨的

fortune ['fɔ:tʃən]


n. 财产,命运,运气

encyclopedia [en.saikləu'pi:diə]


n. 百科全书

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

enormous [i'nɔ:məs]


adj. 巨大的,庞大的

farewell ['fɛə'wel]


adj. 告别的
int. 再会,别了

straighten ['streitn]


v. 弄直,使正确,整顿,挺直

sponge [spʌndʒ]


n. 海绵,海绵状的东西
vt. 用海绵擦拭,

convinced [kən'vinst]


adj. 信服的





