日期:2024-04-12 09:10


01.What is LARP?

LARP (live action role-playing) game is a form of role-playing game where the participants physically portray their characters. Each player is given a script, a role/part and plot. The first LARPs were inspired by board games.


script: 剧本。

screenplay: 剧本,尤指电影的剧本。

board games: 桌游。

stick with rules: 遵循规则。


Let's larp!/ Let's go larping!/ Let's larp up! 一起玩剧本杀吧!

玩剧本杀不能说play larp。

02.English words in LARP


infer/deduce: 推理。


logic: 逻辑。

solve some puzzles/ solve a murder mystery: 解决谜团,解决谜案。

number puzzle: 数独。

mystery: 谜案。

clues: 线索。

logical deduction: 逻辑推理。

03.Things about LARP

Jenny说最喜欢的推理小说是Agatha Christie's Poirot (大侦探波罗)和Sherlock Holmes (神探夏洛克)。Adam提到了福尔摩斯的名言:

'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.' 当你排除所有不可能的因素之后,无论还剩下什么,无论有多不可能发生,那一定是真相。


twist: 反转。

red herring: 分散注意力而提出的不相干事实或论点。

suspense: 悬疑(影片)。

detective: 侦探(影片)。

2019年的Knives Out(利刃出鞘),推理悬疑电影在全世界都很受欢迎,电影在开头就交代了发生了什么,但still keep you hooked,值得一看。

Is LARPing still a thing? 剧本杀还很受欢迎吗?

Larping is very much a thing. The community has grown and evolved in the decades since it started. The boffer larps people are often familiar with are indeed still going with a wide range of rule sets. Some are more fantasy, and others might scifi in flavor.


