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中级美国英语 Lesson 46: 以tion和al结尾的词汇

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刚才那些句子说明芭芭拉怎么样在纽约百老汇的一出歌舞剧里找到了演唱的 机会. 我希望你都听懂了. 如果没有完全听懂, 不要紧, 现在我们再作一组练习 换一个方式把那些句子重复练习一遍. 练习的作法是老师根据刚才那些句子 提出问句, 接着老师念出一个词组, 学生就用词组来回答问题. 下面就是一个 例子:

M: What did Barbara tell her parents?

M: her intention to go to New York

F: She told her parents about her intention to go to New York.

请你跟学生一起作练习. 同时特别注意以t-i-o-n结尾的名词.

M: What is one of the attractions in New York?

M: Broadway musicals

F: Broadway musicals are one of the attractions in New York.

M: What did Barbara tell her parents?

M: her intention to go to New York

F: She told her parents about her intention to go to New York.

M: What sounded exciting?

M: the description of New York

F: The description of New York sounded exciting.

M: What was accepted?

M: Barbara's application for a job in a Broadway musical

F: Barbara's application for a job in a Broadway musical was accepted.

M: What did she win?

M: the competition for the job

F: She won the competition for the job.

M: What did the company tell her?

M: the information that she was hired

F: The company told her the information that she was hired.


下面我们作一组练习, 学学以 a-l 结尾的形容词. 这些形容词都是从名词演变 来的. 比方 "感情" emotion 变成 "激动" emotional,"喜剧"comedy 变成 "滑稽" comical, "戏院" theater 变成"有戏剧性的"theatrical,"音乐" music 变成 "有音乐 才能" musical 等等. 不过 musical 这个字也可以当名词用, 意思就是"歌舞剧".

下面这组练习里的句子是说到芭芭拉在音乐和演戏方面的才华. 练习的作法 是由老师念一个句子, 学生就跟着念一句. 请你跟学生一起练习并且特别注 意新词汇.

M: Barbara loves music. She is very musical.

F: Barbara loves music. She is very musical.

M: She has a career in the musical theatre, because she is also talented in doing theatrical works.

F: She has a career in the musical theatre, because she is also talented in doing theatrical works.

M: Her acting is full of emotion. She can be very emotional when it is necessary.

F: Her acting is full of emotion. She can be very emotional when it is necessary.

M: When she acts in a comedy, she is comical.

F: When she acts in a comedy, she is comical.

M: She studies history before she plays a historical role.

F: She studies history before she plays a historical role.

M: Her performances are sensational. Her shows created a sensation on Broadway.

F: Her performances are sensational. Her shows created a sensation on Broadway.

M: She plays in many cities across the nation. She attracts national attention.

F: She plays in many cities across the nation. She attracts national attention.

下面我们以问答的方式重复练习刚才那些句子和新词汇. 请你注意听老师问问 题, 然后跟学生一起用老师提出的字或是词组来回答问题.

M: Is Barbara talented in doing theatrical works?

M: yes

F: Yes, she is talented in doing theatrical works.

M: When is she emotional?

M: when she acts

F: She is emotional when she acts.

M: When is she comical?

M: when she acts in a comedy

F: She is comical when she acts in a comedy.

M: When does she study history?

M: before she plays a historical role

F: She studies history before she plays a historical role.

M: Does she give sensational performances?

M: yes

F: Yes, she gives sensational performances.

M: Does she attract national attention?

M: yes

F: Yes, she attracts national attention.

关键字: 宫崎骏 写作




