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Believe it or not, interest in sundials is increasing in the West. A quick glance at the Internet reveals burgeoning sundial societies all over the world for the scientifically inclined, and even detailed sundial trails for those who want to check out the dials in gardens in the United States, France or Britain. This is "the travel" with a difference.
The earliest sundials are recorded in use around 300 BC. They come from the stage in ancient times when men and women began to use simple sticks and markers to show the time of day as the shadows progressed. Such devices grew steadily more complex until by Roman times no fewer than 12 types of sundial were recorded, including a sophisticated portable version. More than mere markers of time, such dials served for centuries to indicate mankind understands of the complexities of the heavens.
  • 参考答案:信不信由你,西方对于日晷的研究兴趣正浓。匆匆浏览一下互联网,不难发现:在世界各地蓬勃发展的日晷协会正致力于日晷的科学性倾向研究;还有为那些想要查明美、法、英各国园林中日晷情况的人提供有关日晷的详细资料。此次“旅行”,意义非凡。
  • 系统解析:
    1. A quick glance at the Internet reveals burgeoning sundial societies all over the world for the scientifically inclined, and even detailed sundial trails for those who want to check out the dials in gardens in the United States, France or Britain.
    结构分析:句子的框架是 A quick glance...reveals burgeoning sundial societies...for the scientifically inclined, and even detailed sundial trails for those who want to check out the dials in gardens...。本句是个简单句,动词 reveals 跟有 burgeoning sundial societies 和 detailed sundial trails 两个宾语,难点在于两个宾语后分别所跟的介宾结构 for...的翻译。前面 for the scientifically inclined 可以推测是 for the scientifically inclined research 的省略,for 在这里由介词转化为动词翻译较好;后面的介宾结构是 for those people 后跟定语从句,联系上下文,for 在这里作同样处理,翻译为“提供”。
    2. They come from the stage in ancient times when men and women began to use simple sticks and markers to show the time of day as the shadows progressed.
    结构分析:句子的框架是 They come...in ancient times when men and women began to use...to show the time of day as the shadows progressed。本句中,when 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 times, as 引导时间状语从句,翻译时采用顺序翻译。