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If I want to purchase a case of Alpo from Pets.com using my American Airlines frequent-flyer miles, why shouldn't I be able to do so? If Amazon.com wants to issue special "Amazon dollars" that are worth 1.20 a piece at selected merchants, why wouldn't I start changing my U.S.dollars for Amazon dollars at a furious pace? I can spend them anytime, so there's room for me to do a little speculating: Should I hold on to the cash in the hope that this story ignites a flurry of flattering notes, or should I spend quickly in case it bombs? Some e-cash will be traceable, but much of it will be as anonymous as a wrinkled ten-spot. And with jillions of alternative currencies out there, it's possible that Greenspan—who controls the economy by controlling dollars, may find his power tools are losing their torque.
  • 参考答案:如果我想用我的美国航空公司飞行里程从 Pets.com 网站购买磷酸铝,为什么我不能这样做呢?如果亚马逊网站想要发行特别的“亚马逊元”,1 美元在指定的商家值 1.2 美元,我又怎会不趋之若鹜地赶紧去把我的美元换成“亚马逊元”呢?我能够随时来花这些钱,所以,我有了一点思索空间:我是否应该暂时不用这些钱,以期待我的文章能获得大量好评,还是尽快把钱花完,以防文章遭到批评呢? 一些电子现金将是可追溯的,但是它们大多会像皱巴巴的十元美钞一样是匿名的。一旦可选择的货币大量存在,靠控制美元来控制经济的格林斯潘就有可能发现,他的权杖将失去威力。
  • 系统解析:
    1. If Amazon.com wants to issue special "Amazon dollars" that are worth 1.20 a piece at selected merchants,why wouldn't I start changing my U.S. dollars for Amazon dollars at a furious pace?
    结构分析:句子的框架是 If Amazon.com wants to issue special "Amazon dollars" that are worth..., why wouldn't I start...。If 引导条件状语从句,在此从句中又包含了由关系代词 that引导的定语从句, 修饰先行词“Amazon dollars”。主句是由疑问词 why 引导的特殊疑问句。
    2. I can spend them anytime, so there's room for me to do a little speculating: Should I hold on to the cash in the hope that this story ignites a flurry of flattering notes, or should I spend quickly in case it bombs?
    结构分析:句子的框架是 I can spend them anytime, so there's room for me to do...: Should I hold on to the cash in the hope that...。冒号之后的 Should I hold on to the cash...是一个由 or 连接的并列句,表选择。该并列句是对 there's room for me to do a little speculating 的补充说明,进一步解释思考的内容。that this story ignites a flurry of flattering notes 作 hope 的同位语。
    3. And with jillions of alternative currencies out there,it's possible that Greenspan—who controls the economy by controlling dollars, may find his power tools are losing their torque.
    结构分析:句子的框架是 with jillions of..., it's possible that Greenspan...,may find his power tools are losing...。句首是 with 引导的介词短语作状语。it's possible that...这个句子中一个从句套着另一个从句。首先,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是 Greenspan—who controls..., may find his power tools are losing...。在这个主语从句中,关系代词 who 引导的非限制性定语从句修饰主语 Greenspan。谓语是 may find。his power tools are losing their torque 是省略 that 的宾语从句,作 find 的宾语。jillions of (美俚),意为“大量的”。