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Recently, more and more food scandals such as poisonous milk power and illegal cooking oil are exposed to the public. What causes food unsafety? How to deal with it? These questions have aroused enormous public concern. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:
On Food Safety
You are to write in three parts.
In the first part, state clearly what your view is.
In the second part, support your view with appropriate reasons.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
  • 参考答案:On Food Safety
    Food safety is such a serious issue that depresses many parents, who swarm into Hong Kong to purchase milk powders. When the supply in the local market is drained, the government puts a quota on milk powders taken out of the region. To restore the confidence of mainland buyers, I think we should strengthen the law enforcement of government bodies.
    The reason why enterprises in the Chinese mainland dare to put their profits before public health is because of the inaction of the authorities concerned. For instance, inspection department is supposed to authorize regular and irregular checks on the food products, but this is hardly the case in many cities. As the saying goes, “when the cat is away, mice will play". That's why we see so many kinds of unsafe food in our market. Watchdog departments should be more active to launch raids into the manufacturing sites and perform more frequent tests on food products. Once problems are identified, the public shall be warned about the potential threats of a food product and the enterprise concerned shall be punished according to law. With a firm grip from the law enforcement agencies, enterprises must behave themselves.
    In conclusion, we should strengthen law enforcement to solve the food safety issue in China.
  • 系统解析:
    1. 中国大陆的企业之所以敢唯利是图,罔顾民众健康,原因在于有关部门的不作为。引用习语“猫儿不在,老鼠就猖獗”。
    2. 在执法部门强而有力的执法力度下,企业一定会规规矩矩的。
    1. The reason why enterprises in the Chinese mainland dare to put their profits before public health is because of the inaction of the authorities concerned.(指出问题症结所在)
    2. As the saying goes, "when the cat is away, mice will play".(引用名言说明问题)