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Three children in every classroom have a diagnosable mental health condition. Half of these are behavioural disorders,while one third are emotional disorders such as stress,anxiety and depression, which often become outwardly apparent through self-harm. There was an astonishing 52 percent jump in hospital admissions for children and young people who had harmed themselves between 2009 and 2015.
Schools and teachers have consistently reported the scale of the problem since 2009.Last year, over half of teachers reported that more of their pupils experience mental health problems than in the past. But teachers also consistently report how ill-equipped they feel to meet pupils’ mental health needs,and often cite a lack of training,expertise and support from the National Health Service(英国国家医疗服务体系).
Part of the reason for the increased pressure on.schools is that there are now fewer ‘early intervention (干预)’and low-level mental health services based in the community. Cuts to local authority budgets since 2010 have resulted in a significant decline of these services, despite strong evidence of their effectiveness in preventing crises further down the line.
The only way to break the pressures on both mental health services and schools is to reinvest in early intervention services inside schools.
There are strong arguments for why schools are best placed to provide mental health services. Schools see young people more than any other service,which gives them a unique ability to get to hard-to-reach children and young people and build meaningful relationships with them over time. Recent studies have shown that children and young people largely prefer to see a counsellor in school rather than in an.outside environment. Young people have reported that for low-level conditions such as stress and anxiety,a clinical setting can sometimes be daunting(令人却步的).
There are already examples of innovative schools which combine mental health and wellbeing provision with a strong academic curriculum. This will,though,require a huge cultural shift. Politicians, policymakers,commissioners and school leaders must be brave enough to make the leap towards reimagining schools as providers of health as well as education services.
What are teachers complaining about?
A.There are too many students requiring special attention.
B.They are under too much stress counselling needy students.
C.Schools are inadequately equipped to implement any intervention.
D.They lack the necessary resources to address pupils’ mental problems.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:D
  • 系统解析:
What do we learn from the passage about community health services in Britain?
A.They have deteriorated due to budget cuts.
B.They facilitate local residents’ everyday lives.
C.They prove ineffective in helping mental patients.
D.They cover preventative care for the local resident.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:A
  • 系统解析:
    根据题干关键词community health services 定位至第三段。该段首句提到,现在社区的“早期干预”和初级心理健康服务越来越少。而原因出现在后一句中,即自2010 年以来,地方政府预算的削减导致了这些服务的大幅下降,故答案选A)项。B)项和D)项在文中均未提及,故排除;第三段第二句提到,有强有力的证据表明这些服务在帮助应对学生心理健康问题上有效,因此,C)项与文中所表述的意思相悖,故排除。
Where does the author suggest mental health services be placed?
A.At home.
B.At school.
C.In hospitals.
D.In communities.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:B
  • 系统解析:
What do we learn from the recent studies?
A.Students prefer to rely on peers to relieve stress and anxiety.
B.Young people are keen on building meaningful relationships.
C.Students are more comfortable seeking counselling in school.
D.Young people benefit from various kinds of outdoor activities.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:C
  • 系统解析:
    根据题干关键词recent studies定位至第五段结尾处。此处提到,最近的研究表明,儿童和年轻人在很大程度上更喜欢在学校里找辅导员,而不是在校外。年轻人报告说,对于压力和焦虑等初级状况,临床环境有时会令人望而生畏。说明“青少年在学校环境下接受心理辅导会感到更自在”,故答案选C)项。A)项和D)项在文中均未提及,故排除;第五段第二句虽提到,学校比其他任何公共服务机构都更能关注到年轻人,这使它们拥有一种独特的能力去接触难以接触到的儿童和年轻人,并逐渐与他们建立有意义的关系。但并未提及“keen on”,故排除B)项。
What does the author mean by a cultural shift (Line 2, Para. 6)?
A.Simplification of schools’ academic curriculums.
B.Parents’ involvement in schools’ policy-making.
C.A change in teachers’ attitudes to mental health.
D.A change in the conception of what schools are.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:D
  • 系统解析: