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    1. The algorithm can be applied not only to both linear and nonlinear circuits but also to the determination of fault-class ambiguity sets besides components ambiguity groups.
    2. A latent verbal ambiguity may be removed by evidence; for whatever ambiguity arises from an extrinsic fact may be explained by extrinsic evidence.
    3. Generally, range and velocity ambiguity exist in pulse Doppler (PD) radars Multiple pulse recurrence frequency (PRF) is needed for resolving ambiguity in the conventional PD radars.
    4. In this method, 3 pulsars are selected to generate the possible ambiguity points, and new pulsars are used to eliminate ambiguity points until pulse period number is unique.
    5. Apart from the word sense ambiguity and transformation divergence between languages, structural ambiguity is another main obstacle confronting the researchers.


    非单值性; 含糊; 模棱两可; 歧义;
    ambiguity tolerance
    易忍的模棱两可; 模棱容忍度; 容忍度;
    lexical ambiguity
    词汇歧义; 词语歧义; 词汇多义; 词汇岐义;
    ambiguity resolution
    歧义消解; 不明确讯息解析;
    syntactic ambiguity
    句法歧义; 语句上岐义; 语句上的多义性; 语法二义性;


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