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    1. An airdrome target is a system target that consists of some aviation guarantee facilities. Each facility is a sub-target. The damage of each sub-target can effect on its guarantee ability.
    2. This method first enlarged the target area by dilation operation to make target in different frames have superposing part, and then the power of target is enhanced by accumulation.
    3. The area of target scatterance varies with target angle, and it gets its minimum. However, the hunt cingulum formed by the two acoustic homing torpedoes can always shroud the target scatterance.
    4. Measurement of target characteristics is predigested to point target radiation intensity and area target thermal radiation in this paper.
    5. Measurement of target characteristics is predigested to point target radiation intensity and area target thermal radiation in this paper.


    Micrographics--Reflectance test target used in the test target for inspecting the quality of micrography of technical drawing
    缩微摄影技术 用于“检验技术图纸缩微摄影质量测试标板”的反射率灰板;
    Micrographics--Reflectance test target used in the test target for inspecting the quality of micrography of technical drawing
    缩微摄影技术 用于“检验技术图纸缩微摄影质量测试标板”的反射率灰板;
    target type flowmeter target meter
    Micrographics--Reflectance test target used in the test target for inspecting the quality of micrography of technical drawing
    缩微摄影技术 用于“检验技术图纸缩微摄影质量测试标板”的反射率灰板;
    target type flowmeter target meter


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