1. We should attend only to those objects of which our minds seem capable of having certain and indubitable cognition. 应该仅仅考察凭我们的心灵似乎就足以获得确定无疑的认识的那些对象。
2. Whether the soul survives death was a matter as to which opinions might differ, but that there is a soul was thought to be indubitable. 至于灵魂是不是可以超越死亡,确实是仁者见仁智者见智,不过灵魂存在的事实应该是无可争议的。
3. This angered him still more, as in his heart he felt convinced, not by reasoning, but by something stronger than reasoning, of the indubitable truth of his own view. 这就使他更感到气恼,因为他不是凭推理,而是凭比推理更有力的直觉认为自己的看法是完全正确的。