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    1. IT HAS been the common wisdom for decades and the mantra of the pale and pasty who would rather not get hot and bothered: stay out of the sun to avoid getting skin cancer.
    2. IT HAS been the common wisdom for decades and the mantra of the pale and pasty who would rather not get hot and bothered: stay out of the sun to avoid getting skin cancer.
    3. And while I often fail, I believe I've progressed over the years, and things that used to get me hot and bothered now just float past me.
    4. Intertwines the glabella has transmitted your hot and bothered and flustered;
    5. Intertwines the glabella has transmitted your hot and bothered and flustered;


    hot and bothered
    激动,担忧; 气冲冲的,烦恼的; 心烦意乱; 焦虑不安;
    all hot and bothered
    不安的; 慌张的; 激动的;
    be hot and bothered
    hot and bothered
    激动,担忧; 气冲冲的,烦恼的; 心烦意乱; 焦虑不安;
    all hot and bothered
    不安的; 慌张的; 激动的;


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