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    1. Ballet is a major course for the dance students. Broad, tight, straight, erect are the four principles both in ballet exercise and ballet appreciation.
    2. "Our performance is based on classical ballet but it's still very accessible, " says Nilas Martins, the ballet company's lead dancer.
    3. Thus gentlemen could dine before arriving at the theatre to see their various young ladies in the corps de ballet.
    4. In Qingdao People's Hall recently, Artists from National Pushkin Corps de Ballet of Russia put on a performance again which intoxicated hundreds of Qingdao audience.
    青岛电视台讯 近日,来自俄罗斯国家普希金芭蕾舞团的艺术家们再次献艺市人民会堂,一场经典芭蕾倾倒了在场的千余名岛城观众。
    5. But there was always something a bit fey about Mr Knievel, even in the 1970s, when long hair and tight crotches made every young man look like a member of a corps de ballet.


    corps de ballet
    芭蕾舞团; 舞群; 舞团; 舞团组织;
    Australian Ballet
    澳大利亚芭蕾舞团; 澳洲芭蕾舞团;
    芭蕾; 芭蕾形体; 形体; 舞剧;
    Bullet Ballet
    异次元杀人事件; 子弹死跳舞;
    Cullberg Ballet
    卡尔伯格芭蕾舞团; 芭蕾舞团;


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