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    1. To hide items in a pivot table, select the items, choose PivotTable Field from the Data menu, and then select the items in the Hide Items box.
    2. To hide items in a pivot table, select the items, choose PivotTable Field from the Data menu, and then select the items in the Hide Items box.
    3. In a company, a budget officer or director and budget committee usually work together to take the responsibility for budget preparation.
    4. Summarize and analyze budget of finished goods production. Balance production budget and capacity. Trace budget completion rate of finished goods production.
    5. Budget accounting of our country is taken as the important tool of budget management, mainly for the allocation and application of budget fund.


    Circular on Doing Well in Ongoing Regulatory and Dovetailing Works Upon Canceling the Second Group of Administrative Approval Items and Changing the Management Methods of Some Administrative Approval Items
    Circular on Doing Well in Ongoing Regulatory and Dovetailing Works Upon Canceling the Second Group of Administrative Approval Items and Changing the Management Methods of Some Administrative Approval Items
    mouth-feeding budget-----a large proportion of the budget has been earmarked for paying salaries of government aries
    mouth-feeding budget-----a large proportion of the budget has been earmarked for paying salaries of government functionaries
    吃饭财政; 吃 饭财政;
    budget revenues collection and budget expenditures allocation by the corresponding State Treasury in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State


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