[by:可可英语www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson One 第一课 [00:45.71]Announcing Visitors to Guest 通知有客人来访 [00:49.76]Excuse me,sir,may I help you? 接待员:对不起,先生,我能为您做什么吗? [00:55.82]No,thank you.I'm just going upstairs to see a friend. 客人:不,谢谢。我正要上楼去看一个朋友。 [01:01.70]We must announce visitors to our guests. 接待员:我们必须要通知我们的客人。 [01:07.27]May I have the guest's name,please? 请问您找哪位客人? [01:12.23]Roger Whitestead. 客人:罗杰。怀特斯德。 [01:16.28]Just a moment,please...Hello,Mr.Whitestead? 接待员:请稍等。您好,怀特斯德先生吗? [01:23.64]G:Yes? 旅客:什么事? [01:27.72]This is Reception. 接待员:这是前台接待。 [01:30.96]There's somebody here to see you./You have a visitor. 有人想去拜访您/有您一位客人。 [01:35.50]Just a moment,please...(hands the phone to the visitor)... 请稍等,......(把电话递给来访者)...... [01:38.85](to visitor when call is finished) Thank you. (当来访者打完电话)谢谢。 [01:41.49]No problem. 客人:没关系。 [01:44.44]Lesson Two 第二课 [02:09.10]Guest Is not In 客人没在 [02:13.46]...I'm sorry,there's no answer./I'm sorry,Mr.Whitestead isn't in. 接待员:......对不起,没有人接。/抱歉, 怀特斯德先生不在。 [02:22.00]Would you like to leave a message for him? 您给他留言好吗? [02:26.16]Yes,thanks.Do you have a piece of paper I could use? 客人:是的,谢谢。这里有没有一张纸给我用一下呢? [02:34.93]Certainly,here you are. 接待员:当然,给您。 [02:40.78]Okay.Do you have an envelope? 客人:好的,你这儿有信封吗? [02:44.94]I'm afraid not.Would a piece of scotch tape do? 接待员:恐怕没有。透明胶带可以吗? [02:51.00]Okay. 客人:可以。 [02:53.95]Lesson Three Guest Returns 第三课 客人回来了 [03:21.61]Excuse me,Mr.Whitestead? 接待员:对不起,怀特斯德先生。 [03:27.28]G:Yes? 旅客:什么事? [03:30.94]While you were out a friend of yours came by to see you. 接待员:当您出去的时候您的一个朋友来拜访您, [03:35.98]He left a note for you.Here you are. 他给您留言了一张纸条。给您。 [03:41.34]Lesson Four [03:54.17]第四课 [04:07.01]Visitors after 11:00 p.m 晚上11点以后的拜访 [04:12.26](after announcing visitor to guest) Thank you. 接待员:(通知客人有人拜访之后)谢谢。 [04:16.34]And could you please fill out this form before you go upstairs? 在上楼之前您填写一下这张表格好吗? [04:21.51]Why?I've never had to fill in a form before! 客人:为什么?我以前从来没有填过。 [04:28.46]It's because it's after 11:00 p.m.. 接待员:因为已经超过晚上11:00了。 [04:34.02]This is a bit much,really. 客人:这真是太烦琐了。 [04:39.01]I'm sorry,I understand. 接待员:非常抱歉,我可以理解, [04:43.45]But I'm afraid we're required to do this by the Public Security Bureau. 可是公安局要求我们这样做的。 [04:50.61]It's not a regulation of T.I.B.;I hope you understand. 这不是国际大厦的规定,希望您能理解。 [04:57.67]Okay,okay.Here you are. 客人:好吧,好吧,给你。 [05:02.81]Thank you very much. 接待员:非常感谢。