[by:可可英语www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Lesson One To Beijing 第一课 去北京 [00:44.83]Could I ask for your help in arranging a taxi for me tomorrow? 旅客:请你明天帮我安排一辆出租车好吗? [00:51.36]Certainly ...Where would you like to go? 接待员:当然......您要去哪儿? [00:56.61]I need to go to Beijing tomorrow. 旅客:我明天需要去北京。 [01:00.58]Is that just one way or will you be needing the taxi all day? 接待员:只是单程呢还是需要用一整天? [01:05.85]One way. 旅客:单程。 [01:08.49]Okay.And what time would you like to start out? 接待员:好吧,您什么时候动身? [01:14.06]7:00 in the morning. 旅客:明天早上7:00. [01:17.43]That's fine. I'll arrange a taxi for you for 7:00 a.m. 接待员:好的。我为您安排一辆明早7:00的出租车 [01:24.58]then I'll call you to confirm it. 并打电话请您确认一下。 [01:28.35]Lesson Two 第二课 [01:53.21]To the Airport 去机场 [01:55.85]I need to go to the airport very early tomorrow morning. 旅客:我需要明天很早就到机场, [02:01.13]Could you arrange a taxi for me in advance? 你能提前为我安排一辆出租车吗? [02:05.57]I'm afraid I won't be able to find one on the street at 6:00 in the morning. 我怕 6:00 的时候在街上找不到出租车。 [02:12.44]Certainly.So you'd like a taxi for 6:00 a.m.? 接待员:当然。您想在明晨 6:00的时候要一辆出租车吗? [02:19.39]Yes. 旅客:是的。 [02:21.84]Okay.I'll arrange a taxi for you,then call you to confirm it. 接待员:好的,我会为您安排一辆出租车,然后给您打电话请您确认一下。 [02:28.51]Thanks very much. 旅客:非常感谢。 [02:31.38]Hello,Mr.Konnor? This is Reception. 接待员:您好,Konnor先生吗?这里是前台接待处。 [02:36.94]A taxi will be waiting to take you to the airport at 6:00 tomorrow morning. 出租车将在明天早上6:00等着接您去机场 [02:43.32]Great.And how much will it be? 旅客:太好了,大约多少钱? [02:47.08]To the airport it should be about 60 yuan. 接待员:去机场大约60元。