[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.15]Where the reefs meet deeper waters, 在暗礁与深水的交接处, [00:06.27]upwelling currents carry nutrients to the surface. 上涌的水流携带大量营养元素至表层水。 [00:16.06]Reef fish swim out to gorge themselves on the resulting food, 珊瑚鱼游出巢穴狼吞虎咽, [00:20.45]in turn attracting larger predatory fish to the reefs. 当有掠食鱼类出现便返回巢穴, [00:32.51]Trevally prowl in dense packs. 他们以密集的队列巡游海底。 [00:37.53]Giant rays sweep in on graceful wings to hoover up the remaining plankton, 巨鳐挥扫着优美的鳍翅来吸食周围残余的浮游生物, [00:50.01]which also attracts the king of fish. 这些浮游生物同时也吸引了鱼中霸王。