[00:00:01]Tax is an inevitable feature of reality. 税金是现实中一个无可避免的事。 [00:03:40]Whether you are your own boss or working for someone else,there are always different taxes waiting to be paid. 无论你是自己当老板还是为别人工作,总会有不同的税等着你去缴。 [00:10:44]If you sell things,the government gets sales taxes. 如果你卖东西,政府会抽消费税。 [00:14:04]What complicates things is that every state is different,so price tags never include the taxes. 复杂的是每一个州的税率各不相同,所以那些商品的标价都是不含税的。 [00:21:21]Customers don't know exactly how much they have to pay,and discounts or price changes become hard to manage. 顾客无法知道他们要付的正确数目到底是多少钱,而折扣与价格的变动都变得难以管理。 [00:27:58]When your money starts rolling in,you see that the calendar is closing in on April. 当你开始赚钱时,你就会看到四月快到了。 [00:33:25]That means the Internal Revenue Service(IRS)will be expecting your income taxes. 那就意味著美国的国税局在等着收受你的所得税。 [00:39:03]Paying taxes isn't the worst part; 缴税还不是最糟的事; [00:41:34]what's annoying is that the forms have pages after pages of incomprehensible nonsense 最讨厌的是那些表格都是一页页难以理解的东西, [00:47:28]that only Harvard gradu-ates working in Washington DC understand. 只有从哈佛大学毕业并在华盛顿DC工作的人才看得懂。 [00:50:45]For the average person,his only option is to hire expensive accountants 对于普通人来说,他唯一的选择是花一堆的钱来雇一个会计师, [00:55:38]who punch numbers into calculators and help you do middle school arithmetic. 请他把数字输入计算器,帮你做中学会就会做的算术。 [01:00:29]Now let me remind you that your work is doubled because you do both federal and state taxes. 现在让我提醒你,你需要做的是双份的数量,因为你有联邦税和州税两项的税务。 [01:06:22]There's no way out;whatever you do,the government will wuck you dry. 这没有可逃避的出路,不论你做的是什么,政府都会把你榨干。