[00:00.00]Some of the tallest trees in the world are under threat from poachers. 世界上一些最高的树木因偷猎者的砍伐而受到威胁。 [00:03.43]Parts of the redwood forest park have been closed off after a 400-year old tree was cut down. 前一段时间,一棵400年历史的古树被砍倒,红杉树森林公园因此部分关闭。 [00:09.44]More and bigger burls are being taken near former logging towns where the economy has collapsed. 以前以伐木为生的小镇附近有更多大的树瘤正在被偷取,这些小镇的经济已经崩溃。 [00:15.63]They are the tallest trees on the planet. 他们是全球最高的树木。 [00:17.97]Some are 2000 years old. 其中一些已经有两千年的历史。 [00:19.56]We've come looking for stolen burls. 我们来这里寻找被偷砍的树瘤。 [00:21.95]When cut into slabs and then polished up, they can produce a very striking piece of wood. 树瘤被裁成平板,经过打磨,就能成为上佳的木料。 [00:27.88]And that's how these things are cut off. 这就是树瘤砍伐的过程。 [00:29.82]So by removing a burl, you are taking away that tree's ability to repopulate, to regenerate. 没了树瘤,这棵树就失去了再生的能力。 [00:37.08]People cutting down trees for burl, yeah, that's stupid. 人们为获取树瘤砍倒树木,这是愚蠢的行为。 [00:40.53]People are out to serive. 人们要生存。 [00:43.25]And if there is a burl on a tree, and they don't care whose property it's on, they are gonna get it themselves. 如果树上有树瘤,他们也不管树的主人是谁,就动手砍伐。 [00:48.70]In front of me is one of the biggest burls to be recovered by the national park service. 我面前是国家公园管理局要修复的最大树瘤之一。 [00:54.11]It's a spherical block. 该树瘤呈球体, [00:53.70]It was taken from a 400-year old tree which was cut down by the poachers in order to get access to it. 是从偷猎者砍伐的一棵400年古树上摘取的。 [01:02.28]While the theft of burls has been going on for years, recently they become more frequently and more brazen. 树瘤偷窃行为多年来都有,然而最近却变得更加频繁和猖狂。 [01:08.26]Well, this is the tree where that burl came from. 这就是长树瘤的那棵树。 [01:11.40]And we are looking now at the burl cut from that burl that we saw just a few minutes ago. 我们现在观察刚才看到的树瘤的切口。 [01:17.09]The end of logging hit the town hard, but there is a bigger picture. 砍伐禁止令对城镇来说是个不小的打击,但是我们必须得考虑大局。 [01:20.29]There were two million acres of redwood forest. 曾经这里有两百万英亩的红杉林。 [01:23.47]In the last 150 years, more that 95% of that original primeval redwood forest has been logged. 150年来,原始红杉林中95%的树木被砍倒, [01:30.88]And that's why parks are here to protect that original forest. 所以这里成立了保护原始森林的公园。 [01:35.15]Well, I mean, we got to preserve some, of course. 我们确实保护了一些树木。 [01:41.29]But the problem of international park is they don't know how to coincide with locals. 但国际公园的问题在于,他们不懂得因地制宜。 [01:46.37]That's always been a problem with the international park. It's not just here. 这不是个例,而是国际公园普遍存在的问题。 [01:49.36]Vitiligo is a medical condition that causes the loss of skin color in blotches. 白癜风是一种皮肤色素脱失病,导致身体部位出现白斑, [01:54.28]It can dramatically alter a person's appearance. 能够极大改变一个人的容貌。 [01:56.82]But Chantelle Brown-Young who's lost the pigment around her nose, 尚特勒布朗杨也是白癜风患者中的一员,她的鼻、 [02:00.68]mouth, chin as well as other parts of her body sees it no obstacle to her bid to win US television show America's Next Top Model. 口和下巴以及身体其他一些部位都没有色素。然而,这并没有成为她争取赢得电视节目《全美超模大赛》冠军的绊脚石。 [02:09.15]The people who are, you know, thinking that they can't do what they want to do because of the little things that they have, the little flaws. 有些人因为有一些小的缺陷和瑕疵就认为自己不能心想事成。 [02:16.71]You know, you can definitely do it. 其实他们完全可以做到。 [02:18.50]And I'm here to prove it. 我来这儿就是为了证明这一点。 [02:19.77]What makes me unique compared to the other contestants is that I have something that's very profound about the way that I look. 和其他选手相比,我的不同在于我独一无二的相貌。 [02:28.34]A lot of people have a story and a background but mine is printed on my body. 很多人都有来头,有背景,而我的优势恰恰通过我身上的斑点体现出来。