[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:02.66]Okay, I just wanna say that yes, there are things Miranda does that I don't agree with, but… 好吧,我想说的是,却是,马琳达的某些所作所为我并不赞同,但~~~ [00:09.34]Come on. You hate her. Just admit it to me. 算了吧, 你恨她,你就招了吧 [00:11.77]No. 不 [00:12.12]She's a… She's a notorious sadist… 她是一个~~她是个名声在外的虐待狂 [00:14.57]and not… not in a good way. 这不是~~~不是什么好名声 [00:17.31]Okay, she's tough, but if Miranda were a man… 好吧,她很严厉,但如果马琳达是个男人~~ [00:20.40]no one would notice anything about her, except how great she is at her job. 人们就会专注于她出色的工作,也就不会有这么多的是非 [00:24.20]I'm sorry. I can't… 对不起,我不~~~ [00:26.97]I can't believe this. You're defending her? Yeah. 我有点不敢相信,你会帮她说话? 是的 [00:30.23]The wide-eyed girl peddling her earnest newspaper stories? 这还是那个瞪着无辜的大眼睛,狂热追求记者梦的女孩吗? [00:34.34]You, my friend, are crossing over to the dark side. 我的朋友,你在堕落 [00:39.11]I resent that. 我讨厌那样子 [00:40.51]You shouldn't. It's sexy. -Sexy? 你不应该讨厌,那样子很性感-性感? [00:45.91]Really? Really. 真的? 真的