[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.29]Lost and Found. 失物招领。 [00:02.57]Laptop Lost! Anybody who finds an HP 6120 laptop, please contact Emily Newman at 555-4444. 失物招领 。请拾到惠普6120型笔记本电脑的人与埃米莉?纽曼联系,联系电 话为555-4444。 [00:10.16]The last person who leaves the room is supposed to turn off the light. 最后一个离开房间的人请记得关灯。 [00:17.46]Be sure to turn all the lights off when you leave the room. 请保证在您离开房间时关闭所有的灯。 [00:22.52]If you drink the last cup of coffee, make sure to make more! 如果您喝的是最后一杯咖啡,请再多冲点!