[00:04:56]Hey. Can we talk? 我们谈谈好吗? [00:11:00]Well, that depends are you back for good? 看情况吧,你回来能有什么好处吗? [00:20:35]I don't know. 我不知道, [00:21:56]Your father and I haven't really had a chance to talk, so... 你父亲和我还没有真正意义上的谈过,所以...... [00:27:20]Well, do you want to come back, 嗯,你想回来, [00:29:06]or do you wanna live in Hudson with neighbor guy? 还是你想和那个邻家男人一起住在哈德逊? [00:32:22]Okay look, Dan. 好了,听着, Dan。 [00:33:19]I understand that you're mad, all right? 我理解你为什么生气,好吗? [00:35:06]And I'm not gonna defend what I did. 而我也不会为自己的所做作为辩解 [00:36:52]No, you don't get it, do you? 不,你还是不懂,知道吗。 [00:39:43]You think I'm only mad about the cheating? 你以为我只为了你出轨的事生气? [00:45:50]Okay. What else? 那好吧,还有什么? [00:46:48]Maybe that you promised you would be home by the end of summer 也许是因为你曾经答应过我整个夏天你都在家, [00:48:43]and then you weren't. 而你并没有这么做。 [00:50:32]Maybe the fact that you left at all. 也许事实是 你根本就没沾家门儿。 [00:52:29]I asked if you were okay with me going away 我问过你要不要和我一起走, [00:54:46]and I'd hoped that if there was a problem, you would say something. 并且我希望如果真有什么事你能及时告诉我 [00:57:52]Like what? 比如什么? [00:59:32]Your daughter's a freshman at a school populated by mean girls and date rapists? 你的女儿是一所学校的新生受一群尖酸刻薄的女孩儿的欢迎并且在约会中险遭强奸。 [01:04:10]I think she needs her mom. 我想她需要她的妈妈。 [01:05:51]Or maybe my father is madly in love with you and will probably never get over this? 又或许是我的爸爸疯狂的爱上了你并且极有可能永远也不可能忘记你? [01:17:03]Why should I have to tell you this? 我为什么非得告诉你这些? [01:19:47]Where are you going? 你去哪儿? [01:24:43]Out. I'll call later. 出去,我一会儿打电话回来。 [01:25:59]Well, that went well. 好的,这很好。 [01:30:02]You know, I was thinking of going out also. 知道吗,我刚好也要出去。 [01:33:35]There's something I kinda need to do. 我还有事需要做。 [01:35:25]Oh yeah. You need some help? 好的,需要帮忙吗? [01:39:20]Can I help you? 我帮你吧。 [01:40:39]No, I'm good. Thanks. 不用,我一个人就行。谢谢!