[00:00.06]I want to be with you. 我想跟着你 [00:02.44]I just can't see it working, can you? 这样行不通 [00:20.11]We don't have the basis of a servant-master relationship, do we? 我们不可能成为主仆 [00:23.03]You came here to be with me! 你来此不就是为了见我吗 [00:24.39]Among other reasons. And...one swallow doesn't make a summer. 还有别的原因 再者 一燕不成夏 [00:38.51]Aren't you forgetting something? What? 你难道忘了吗 什么 [00:52.59]Are you threatening me? Because of a youthful dalliance? 你在威胁我吗 就因为在伦敦社交季的一时鱼水之欢 [01:00.40]A few weeks of madness in a London Season? You wouldn't hold that against me, surely? 始于4月止于8月 拿这个威胁我可没什么作用 [01:04.27]I would if I have to. And who'd believe a greedy footman over the words of a Duke? 那我们就试试看人们是信你这个贪慕虚荣的男仆 还是信我这个公爵呢 [01:13.34]If you're not careful, you'll end up behind bars. 若不管好自己的嘴 坐牢都有可能 [01:17.08]I've got proof. Do you mean these? 我有证据 这些吗 [01:25.34]You know, my mother's always telling me, never put anything in writing. 母亲时常教导我别给人拿到白纸黑字的证据 [01:31.43]And now, thanks to you, I never will again. 多亏了你 我会牢记这教诲 [01:34.16]How did you get them, you bastard? 你怎么拿到的 你个混蛋 [02:07.33]No need to be a bad loser, Thomas. Go to bed. Unless you want to stay? 别像个孩子 去洗洗睡吧 还是你想留下