[00:00:43]"The name of our family is hated everywhere in France. We are hard, cruel landowners. “我们家族的名字在法国所有的地方都令人痛恨。我们是心狠手辣的地主。 [00:09:23]Our miserable people own nothing. 我们苦难的人民一无所有。 [00:12:40]They work for us night and day, but they don't even have enough food for themselves and their children. 他们日夜为我们工作,可他们和他们的孩子却食不果腹。 [00:20:44]If this land became mine, I would give it away, and go and live somewhere else." 如果把这些土地给我,我就把它们分给人,然后离开这儿去别处生活。” [00:29:23]"You seem to be very fond of England, although you are not a rich man there, " said the Marquis. “你似乎很喜欢英国,尽管你在那儿算不上一个有钱人,”侯爵说。 [00:38:27]"I believe you know another Frenchman who has found a safe home there. A Doctor, I believe?" “我想你知道另外一个法国人,他已在那儿找到了安身之所。他是个医生,对吗?” [00:47:00]"Yes." “是的。” [00:48:42]"With a daughter?" “还有一个女儿?” [00:50:00]"Yes." “是的。” [00:52:24]"Yes, " said the Marquis with a secret smile on his face. “啊,”侯爵说,脸上露出神秘的笑容。 [00:59:41]"So, a new way of life begins. But you are tired. Goodnight, Charles sleep well. I shall see you in the morning." “那么,一种新的生活方式开始啦。但是你已经累了。晚安,查尔斯,祝你睡个好觉,我明天早上再见你。”