[00:01.28]There it is, fly, English pigeons, fly. 这里就是阁楼了 飞吧,英国战鸽,飞吧 [00:06.40]The attic. 阁楼 [00:08.00]-Oh dear, sorry, love. -Dirty bird. - 噢,天哪,对不起了,宝贝儿 - 恶心的鸟 [00:11.24]Lofty pigeon, at your service, hold on, "mademoiselle". 战鸽高傲,听候差遣 抓好了,“mademoiselle(法语:小姐)” [00:14.92]He’s heavy, this one. 天,他可真够沉的 [00:18.02]There they are! 他们在那儿! [00:20.74]-Faster! -Yes, yes, yes. - 飞快点! - 好,好,好 [00:24.22]Sabotage! 破坏! [00:36.38]To the right! 右边! [00:37.21]Over there. 前面 [00:38.57]I am going to get you! 我要抓住你们 [00:40.28]Hold on, my dear. 抓好了,亲爱的 [00:52.89]This is it. 到了 [00:58.93]I must do the secret knock. 先得敲暗语 [01:04.48]-Who is it? -De Girl. - 谁啊? - 德·女孩 [01:08.88]-We must do the secret password. -Jacques, there is no time! - 我们还没有对暗号呢 - 雅克,没时间了! [01:12.40]Baa baa black sheep, have you...? 吧吧,小黑羊,你有什么啊? [01:15.37]-Wine? -No, that is yesterday’s password. - 酒? - 不对,那是昨天的暗号