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人文社科:《加哈甘少校历险记》The Tremendous Adventures of Major Gahagan


加哈甘少校历险记(The Tremendous Adventures of Major Gahagan)简介:
Excerpt from book: And I went through the whole list of eatables as before, ending with the ham-sandwiches and the pot of jelly. " Law! Mr. Gahagan," said Mrs. Colonel Vandegobbleschroy, '' give me the ham-sandwiches—I must manage to breakfast off them." And you should have heard the pretty to-do there was at this modest proposition ! Of course I did not accede toil—why should I ? I was the commander of the fort, and intended to keep these three very sandwiches for the use of myself and my dear Belinda. '' Ladies," said I, " there are in this fort one hundred and twenty- six souls, and this is all the food which is to last us during the siege. Meat there is none—of drink there is a tolerable quantity ; and at one o'clock punctually, a glass of wine and one olive shall be served out to each woman : the men will receive two glasses, and an olive and a fig—and this must be your food during the siege. Lord Lake cannot be absent more than three days ; and if he be—why, still there is a chance—why do I say a chance ?— a certainty of escaping from the hands of these ruffians." " Oh, name it, name it, dear Captain Gahagan! " screeched the whole covey at a breath. " It lies," answered I, "in the powder magazine. I will blow this fort, and all it contains, to atoms, ere it becomes the prey of Holkar." The women, at this, raised a squeal that might have been heard in Holkar's camp, and fainted in different directions; but my dear Belinda whispered in my ear, '' Well done, thou noble knight! bravely said, my heart's Goliah ! " I felt I was right: I could have blown her up twenty times for the luxury of that single moment! "And now, ladies,"said I, " I must leave you. The two chaplains will remain with you to administer professional consolation—the other gentlemen will follow me upstairs to the ra...

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关键字: 人文社科 历险记
