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儿童读物:《密西西比河上的马戏团男孩》Irish Fairy Tales


密西西比河上的马戏团男孩(The Circus Boys on the Mississippi)简介:
One of series of children's books published between 1910-1920 about two boys who run away to join the circus. "No call to the heart of the youth of America finds a readier response than the call of the billowing canvas, the big red wagons, the crash of the circus band and the trill of the ringmaster's whistle. It is a call that captures the imagination of old and young alike, and so do the books of this series capture and enthrall the reader, for they were written by one who, besides weilding a master pen, has followed the sawdust trail from coast to coast, who knows the circus people and the sturdy manliness of those who do and dare for the entertainment of millions of circus-goers when the grass is green. Mr. Darlington paints a true picture of circus life."

上传时间:2012-07-12 13:41:06 | 下载次数:0 | 文件大小: 593 KB

关键字: 儿童
