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*Starred Review* During the last five years, Stross has garnered a reputation as one of the most imaginative practitioners of hard sf. Expanded from several stories originally published in Asimov's Science Fiction, Stross' latest novel follows several generations of the Macx family through the rapidly transforming, Internet-enabled global economy of the early twenty-first century to the human and transhuman populated worlds of the outer solar system a half century later. The saga begins with Macx patriarch Manfred, a freelance "venture altruist," giving away patentable high-tech ideas in exchange for endless handouts while looking forward to the day when nanotech-programmed smart matter surpasses humanity in intelligence and productivity. Fifteen years later, his adolescent daughter Amber is an indentured astronaut trolling the orbit of Jupiter, and by 2070, Sirhan is Amber's permanently space-bound offspring, paying witness to the fruits of his grandfather's early innovations as something ominous and nonhuman is systematically dismantling the planets from Pluto to Earth. Stross has his thumb squarely on the pulse of technology's leading edge and exults in extrapolating mere glimmers of ideas out to their mind-bending limits. His brilliant and panoramic vision of uncontrollably accelerating technology vaults him into the front rank of sf trailblazers, alongside Gibson and Stephenson, and promises to become a seminal work in the genre. Carl HaysCharles Stross出版于2005年的后计算机叛客作品;获同年雨果奖、英国科幻协会奖、普罗米修斯奖提名,2006年Locus Award最佳小说、阿瑟?克拉克奖提名。

在目前读过的三本2005年雨果奖入围作品中,这本无疑需要最多的脑力,读者群也是最特定化的。此位信息背景出身的作家,在科技奇异点(technological singularity)的基础下将后计算机叛客(postcyberpunk)、外星探索和人类未来史巧妙结合,彻底颠覆了我们对传统人格、身分、意识存在的观点,亦用不同的角度诠释人类历史的走向。


这本书可说是个半短篇集──分三大篇的九篇故事,由Stross在01~04年依序刊载于《Asimov's Science Fiction》杂志,看得出来故事间虽维持着大致的方向,本质上却有些自己的小议题(例如,知识共产主义就是一例);同时在这些故事里,除了安插式的历史交代,大多数焦点还是放在一个家族前后四代的内斗,他们相关的人物,还有那只神秘的机器猫身上(嘴巴跟呆伯特漫画里的狗伯特有得拼.....)。外星接触的揭示,到头来反而提及得不如家族复杂的关系那样完整,老实说,后者反而是我比较想看的部份呢。

所谓的科技奇异点,是在技术成就的指数成长下,运算力越飙越快,最后人类将在某个点无法跟上自己的产物──只有人工智能才能突破限制,处理人脑无法理解的新行为。而对人类而言,适应之道便是把意识上载到计算机体的虚拟实境,甚至进行大幅度的改造,进入后人类(posthuman)的时代。在这种前提下,Stross提出了银河文明的必然发展模式:种族最后必在其星系建立Matrioshka brain(以计算机体为基础的多层式戴森球体),挂上银河级的超级信息网络,并逐渐使区域文明消灭、转迈向更高的层次。Stross甚至拿它解释了费米谬论(Fermi paradox)的成因,着实也是有一手。

既然能把意识如程序般执行,那么同时跑好几个process,或留备份、下载回血肉之躯、改造、模拟、重建......也就见怪不怪了。重点是,生与死还有什么差别?是否具备意识要怎么定义?一个「人」还能算人吗?不同「版本」的人又怎么看待彼此呢?说真的,这本书让我头一次对未来的可能性感到可怕;但就像最后家族第一代对第四代说的,这过去对我们是绝对无法想象的事,但对你们而言却已是司空见惯了。Future-shock, all right。


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关键字: 科幻
