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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

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"Of course he thinks about you, Your Majesty,"I said. "You write to him often.How can he forget his mother?"

"Then why doesn't he write to me?"mary asked."Does he want me to stay here in an English prison?"
"No, of course not, Your Majesty. But—he has a lot of work, Your Majesty.He is the King of Scotland, and…"
"He is not the King of Scotland,Bess,"she said."Not be- fore I am dead.Remember that."
"No, Your Majesty, of course not. But perhaps people tell him things that are untrue. You know what people say. Per-haps—perhaps he thinks you killed his father."“是的,陛下,他当然不是。可是也许人们会告诉他一些不真实的情况。您知道人们会说什么。也许——也许他认为是您杀死了他的父亲。”
Mary's face went white.She was very angry, and for a minute I was afraid.She said:"You know that's a lie, Bess.It is a lie! I did not kill James's father—I knew nothing about it!"
"I know that,Your Majesty.But perhaps James doesn't know it.He hears so many lies, all the time. He needs to know the true story.Why don't you write, and tell him?"“我知道,陛下。可是也许詹姆斯不知道。他总是听到那么多谎言,他需要知道真实的情况。您为什么不写信告诉他呢?”
Mary sat down slowly. She looked old and tired."All right, Bess,'she said."Give me a pen, please. I'm going to write to James, and tell him the true story. You can give it to him when I'm dead."
"Dead, Your Majesty? Don't say that. You aren't going to die."
Her old, tired eyes looked at me."Yes I am, Bess. You know what is going to happen. One day soon, a man is going to bring a letter from Queen Elizabeth. And then her men are going to kill me. But before I die, I would like to write to my son James. I want to tell him the story of my life.So give me a pen, please."
I gave her a pen. This is what she wrote:

关键字: 苏格兰 玛丽女王




